Leslie Lee: In Depth

Intermediate Horror Quiz

Intermediate Horror Quiz

If you passed the last quiz with a score of 50 or more, you're on your way to becoming a horror buff. Now take this Horror Quiz, and see how well you score. All questions are created by me, so if you score 100 you rock, and your just as smart as I. :)
  1. What movie is this quote from: "the power of Christ complels you" ?
    The Craft

  2. What two movies requires you to stay in the light to be safe?
    Darkness Falls & They
    Poltergist & Darkness Falls
    They & Poltergiest
    All the above

  3. What move haves "Camp Crystal Lake" as a place in the film?
    Friday the thirteenth
    Cabin Fever
    In the Woods

  4. What movie does Naomi Watts star in, along with a child actor?
    God Send
    Child's Play
    The Ring

  5. What movie did Danny Walberg (mark walberg's brother) play a small role?
    Carrie 2: The Rage
    White Noise
    The Sixth Sense

  6. What movie does a character list off horror movie secrets in?
    I Know What You Did Last Summer
    Urban Ledgend
    None of the above

  7. What movie did the "Noxema Girl" star in as the killer?
    I Know What You Did Last Summer
    Urban Ledgend
    None of the above

  8. Which movie is NOT a Stephen King movie?
    Graveyard Shift
    Watcher in the Woods

  9. What Movie involves the dead rising once their body is buried in a special place?
    Night of the Living Dead
    Graveyard Shift
    Pet Semetary
    Dawn of the Dead

  10. In what movie was the whole county evacuated, and a assumed coma paitient is left behind?
    Resident evil
    28 Days Later
    April Fools Day

  11. What movie involved 4 young students that finds the power of witchery?
    Witches of Eastwick
    The craft
    The Omen

  12. In what movie the villian is afraid of cats?
    Mans best friend
    Wish Master

  13. What killed Chucky in the first Child's Play movie?
    Garbage Compressor
    Melted Wax
    Bullet to the heart

  14. What movie does the evil clown eat children?
    None of the above

  15. What movie has the miniture villians: Sharpshooter, Leach and Jester?
    Puppet Master
    They Live

  16. Which "Scary Movie" parody the slasher flicks?
    Scary Movie 1
    Scary Movie 2
    Scary Movie 3
    a and c

  17. What movie had the plot of finding the killer "Jack the Ripper"?
    Urband Ledgend
    House of the Dead
    House of 1000 corpses
    From Hell

  18. Matthew Lillard starred as a villian in what movie?
    Thirteenth ghost
    a and b
    None of the above

  19. What does "Redrum" mean?
    Bloody Murder

  20. In what movie does the monster come back every 23rd spring to eat?
    Texas chainsaw massecre
    The forgotton
    Jeepers Creeper
    all the above

    Now let's see how you done this time.

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