Leslie Lee: In Depth

Site started March 25, 2005

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Welcome to my site! Stay. Listen. Read, and watch...

This is about me. Get to know me. Know what's in my head. Know the things that make me proud, and angry. Know who I like, and what inspires me.
Know what songs mean the most to me and why. For example the song your listening to now, is a favorite song of mine. It's so meaningful to me, that I would even call it this sites "Theme Song."
It's titled, "What Makes You Different (makes you beautiful)" by the Backstreet Boys. It's says what my site expresses.
Now I can share even more with you.
I will be adding poems, and short stories. I will be adding quizzes, and anything that makes this site more fun and interactive.
I will share, share, and share, until I have no more space to share. I will add more games. I will get more music and videos. I will liven this site up, in order to keep you interested and coming back for more.
Well now Ihave my very own book here, and available for purchase. I will share samples of my books, and the music I create. Hopefully other talents too.
You can get involved. If you have any interesting stories or comments about anything you see or hear on this site, or the other sites. Contact me with your questions, comments, or concerns, and I will be sure to respond in a timely manner.
Together we can make this site a pretty fun place to hang out!
-Leslie Lee
(Updated May 24, 2005)


1. Horror Movie Quiz

2. Intermediate Horror Quiz

3. Expert Horror Quiz

Expert Quiz Now Up!

Beginner Quiz
Intermediate Quiz
Expert Quiz


Match me! 100

Match me! 100

Match me! 100

Leslie Lee



1st try 65



1st try 80

1st try 50



Who's Next?

Want me to post your "Horror Quiz" score?
Submit the form below, make sure you put which test you scored.
You can test as many times as you want, you can submit as many times as you want.
I will post your scores on this site!

E-Mail Address: (optional: For reply)
Which test did you take? What was your "Horror Quiz" score?

Leslie lee's Thoughts (online journal)
Little blog people
Click the pic to go directly to that site.

Leslie Lee's Message Board!
Tacking Down a Memo
Click here to go to NEW! Message Board!!

Banners For Matthew Haldeman-Time
Click here for banners . Click here for banners .

New! Click here! New! Click here! New! Click here! New!

Leslie wants to know:
What's the scariest movie you've seen?

Vote In Our Poll!

Current Poll Results!

Make your own funny story by filling in the blanks!

Fill In My FunLib!

Home | Goodbye | Poems | Look! | Recommendations | Links | About Me

Background music: "What Makes You Different" - Backstreet Boys

Be sure to get in touch so I know you're out there!

It's the thought that counts